速報APP / 藝術與設計 / Bobby the Bear

Bobby the Bear


檔案大小:2 MB

版本需求:需要 iOS 10.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Bobby the Bear(圖1)-速報App

Bobby the Bear was originally posting on LinkedIn to get more business just like you, me, and everyone else. But one day a mean-spirited MBA whispered in his ear and said this, "When you start your own business, you're not going to be able to hangout with your online friends and talk all the bull that you want. You'll become a loser, look needy, get spam, and nobody will like you. But if you let me take just an itty bitty interview, I promise that you will never turn out that way."

Of course Bobby the Bear did not want to go this route after hearing this, so he let the MBA take a video.

Bobby the Bear(圖2)-速報App

Shortly after the MBA went away, Bobby the Bear blew up all over LinkedIn, got hit on by all the ladies, and started talking to big shot influencers.

Now, Bobby the Bears got his own thing growing and he's here to help you on your entrepreneurial journey.

Bobby the Bear(圖3)-速報App

Be Real, Be the Bear.

支援平台:iPhone, iPad